Building Community & Strength Through Play: Pickleball for Parkinson’s

The weekly Pickleball for Parkinson’s program at CityPickle began after a successful nonprofit tournament in Spring 2024. Recognizing the benefits pickleball could have for those with Parkinson’s, the CityPickle team worked with Terence Degnan to outline what the program could be. Taking advantage of the incredible space of CityPickle Wollman Rink in Central Park, the program launched late summer of 2024.
Terence Degnan’s Story
Diagnosed with Parkinson’s two years ago, Terence was encouraged by a friend to try pickleball. Like most beginners, he wasn’t a pro right away. But as he practiced, he noticed remarkable improvements in both his game and his symptoms. The social connections, physical exercise, and moments of joy on the court helped lift the shadows of his diagnosis. Terence’s passion for sharing these benefits is the driving force behind our program, inspiring everyone who comes to play.
Initial growth was slow. People facing challenges like the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s are often weary of jumping into physical sports like pickleball. Often people turn to pingpong as a sport offering physical therapy benefits, like improving hand eye coordination. Pickleball is not that different – full body ping pong, if you will.
Onboarding Players
Mikey was the first brave Parkinson’s player to join the clinic. Having heard about the program through playing ping pong himself, he ventured onto the courts ready to expand his skills. Pickleball players, like Mikey, are often more capable than they realize and with the right instruction confidence on the courts grows quickly. Mikey continues to be a regular at each clinic.
Each clinic begins with skills and drills adapted for the challenges of Parkinson’s. Often symptoms for Parkinson’s include slowed movements and impaired balance. Emphasizing and practicing safe footwork, positioning and movement on the court allows players to improve their confidence. Players with Parkinson’s are partnered with volunteers, most of whom have a personal connection to Parkinson’s, to practice and play. Volunteers and allies are welcome to join the program. Developing skills, drilling, and purposely incorporating those skills into game play adds value and improvement to any player’s game.
Who Can Join?
Pickleball for Parkinson’s is for players at any level or experience. The program guides players from learning the basic rules and keeping score (perhaps the hardest part of pickleball!) to improving skills and hitting game winning shots. The second half of each clinic is dedicated to games. Pickleball is fun. The community of players on the courts during Pickleball for Parkinson’s are there to have fun. We support each other through missed shots and celebrate each other in victories, both big and small. Just showing up is a major victory.
Excitement for the program has been contagious and more players with Parkinson’s continue to join us. Katherine, who was paired with Coach Betty Ng described her time as “amazing— so encouraging and professional, and [Betty] really taught us a lot of strategy and technique in just one class”. She returns each week to build on those initial skills. Patricia joined us on the courts and reflecting afterwards said, “I absolutely love this program-so much that I wish there were a second day of play in the week”.
Join us
Finding joy in pickleball is as easy as showing up. We welcome you with open arms and paddles. The goal of the program is to introduce the benefits of Pickleball to as many people as possible. Terence and our other coaches, including Betty, are ready to meet players where they are and guide them through improvements. Pickleball is fun and we have a lot of fun at Pickleball for Parkinson’s.
During the winter season, Pickleball for Parkinson’s takes place at CityPickle’s Long Island City location. We encourage you to register and spread the word to anyone you know with Parkinson’s who would benefit from this incredible program.
The next Pickleball for Parkinson’s fundraising tournament in support of research through the Michael J Fox Foundation is November 21. Be sure to follow us on both the Pickleball for Parkinson’s Instagram and CityPickle’s for more updates.
About the Author
My own pickleball journey began as a desire to rejoin the athletic community. I have my own physical struggles (you can read more here) and when I discovered a pickleball club near my home in Pennsylvania it seemed like an easy, though initially intimidating way, to tiptoe back into sports. To say I was quickly addicted is an understatement. I met Terence Degnan on the court, and we bonded over how much pickleball enriched our lives. After joining the spring Pickleball for Parkinson’s tournament and the initial clinics in September, I knew I wanted to be involved. Bringing pickleball to others has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m grateful to join players on the courts each week.